WOW... I can't believe it's been over 2 years since I last wrote something about speed skating! Way too long. Jump forward 3 1/2 years and here we are in Fort Wayne, Indiana for the 2011 Indoor National Inline Speed Skating Championships.

While there is absolutely NO speed skating going on right now, there is a lot of preparation happening so that the skaters can skate in less than 72 hours. We arrived about 48 hours ago. While the flight was major delayed, we had plenty of friendly people to talk to. Most were "going home" to Indiana or to Ohio. But all were ready and willing to strike up a conversation about whatever "we" wanted to talk about! It must be the purple & pink hair that says, "hey I'm lonely, come on over and keep us company". (Smile...) That was our first introduction to INDIANA. I could go on and on about all of the wonderful people we have met, but I think you would prefer to see the auditorium and the progress of the floor today and even the vendor area.
This first photo on the left is standing at the top of "Set 1" of two sets of bleachers. The second set is to your left in this photo. I asked management about how many people it would seat and he stated "over 2500 people". What you will notice that is missing, are the bleachers that are usually to the right. The sections that typically WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA AND FLORIDA and others, typically sit in. Now on the right hand side, will be the tabulators and officials (the black staging area).

Prior to adding the black stage, they laid two strips of red carpet. Most of this area will be blocked off or unattainable to the general public. As far as lighting goes... there are 6 lights in each of the round disks. Only two (2) are turned on in each disk. And if it was bright for me (and it was!), you will certainly be as pleased as I was with being able to see. The bathrooms are spotless and the group that runs the ALLEN COUNTY WAR MEMORIAL COLISEUM, take great pride in keeping their facility exceptionally clean and well maintained. Even the parking lots appear to be in great condition. Remember that there is an $8.00 per day charge for parking. In-and-out privileges are allowed.

Vendors.. are you in for a treat. Not only do you have your space, you are located directly behind the bleachers and are closest to the only doors in and out of the Arena. On top of that, they have set-up an additional area where you can store any extra merchandise that you might have. There will be food being offered as well as something described to me as "being like a little 7-11 store". Kids will be able to move freely and there should be no lines for the restrooms!
Watch for more photos and more updates. It's time to be SPECTATIN' again!!