
Monday, June 16, 2008


I love this picture of Jim Larson!! This was taken at 8:00 in the morning. Check out the reflexion of the sun off of his sunglasses! His face is red and he just looks hot (NO Jim... not that kind of hot!!!). By the way, Larson is here in Colorado Springs, but he is not skating. He wanted to come and watch all of the skating and just hang out. I think Jim has some other things "cooking" and when that happens, we better ALL get out of the kitchen!I knew it was hotter than what "weather.com" said it was!!! Last night while I was watching the news they said that Saturday was 94 degrees in Colorado Springs and 90 degrees yesterday. If you are not familiar with the area, the elevation is a little over 6000 feet. That puts us closer to the sun which intensifies the heat. When it hits about 82 degrees here, it feels like 100 degrees in Sacramento, California. Both places are dry when it comes to humidity but again, due to the elevation the air is much drier here. So when it topped 94 degrees, it would be safe to say that it equaled about 110-112 degrees in the Sacramento area. And that is HOT!!!

The top of my head has blisters and is sore to the touch. I know, I should have worn a hat, but I feel like I get hotter and it is very restrictive. No, I am not vain and although my hair can be the talk of conversation periodically (take a look at the profile-it's spiked and wildly colored), I have no problem just letting it go. I just have never been a person to wear a hat, so I have paid for that one!! They say that wild hail storms are expected later today/tonight. It is currently overcast and much darker outside than it has been. I sure hope this doesn't put a damper on our cookout tonight!! If it does, I bet that Ross Creveling and Karen Shields will work it out for us to have our BBQ tomorrow or the next day. They have purchased so much food.... I plan on driving over during practice tonight and taking pictures of the road course and such. Stay tuned.... Linda