
Sunday, June 22, 2008


We have been home for a few days now from Outdoor Nationals. I'm still not unpacked nor have I received the two large boxes of stuff that I am having shipped home. They were things that we needed like a blender, supplements, sweatshirts (LOL-you know Colorado weather, anything is possible!), the batteries to the video camera (they weight so much and you only get one bag now...) can opener, paper plates, containers and anything else you can think of to survive for 12 days. Most people do not stay at the places with a kitchen etc., but I always try to if we are there for more than 3 or 4 days. It allows you to have things in your room like cream for your coffee (what every athlete needs!) snack stuff or even things to make sandwiches and additional lunch items, in case you can't leave the track or road course to get something to eat. It works out fantastic until I have to unpack it all!!! It usually takes me 2-3 WEEKS to get everything put away and even then I have stuff floating around for awhile longer.

Speaking of two-three weeks. That's when we have to leave for Indoor Nationals!!! So when those boxes arrive home I will refill things like the coffee container, paper towels, new video tapes and all the stuff we will need for indoor. I can't believe that IDN is in less than 3 weeks. It seems like just Friday I returned home from Nationals.... oh wait..... I did, it was just Outdoor Nationals! By the way, ODN was wonderful. All of the new people that I met. Skaters that I interviewed for upcoming magazines (by the way the articles are done... and on their way to Jessica!)

I won't get near as many photos from IDN as I do from ODN because my camera and I don't get along indoors!! Actually I just can't seem to get it to work indoors. It could be the camera but I have a feeling it is more "operator error" and I'm not embarrassed to say it either!

Come back by over the next 2-3 weeks as we prepare for IDN. I will let you in on what we are doing and how our practices are going. Oh... and in the midst of all of this we have a FIREWORKS fund-raiser for our team. We will be working 12-14 hours a day for 7 days straight. It will be interesting to see if I survive this and how much money we actually make. That starts this coming Friday/Saturday. Should be REALLY interesting!! Money brings the best out in people!! Stay tuned for this one! LOL Linda