
Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Hello all. First of all I would like to thank each of you for stopping by and reading my blog. My stories are usually about all of the "fluff" or "interesting facts" in skating and I enjoy writing about what is going on. Every once in awhile..... I add a story that I am very passionate about. Today some things happened during the competition that upset me. If you know me personally, whether you like me or not... you know I am very passionate about the sport of inline speed skating and about the skaters. I have gone to bat several times for skaters that are not even my own, because it was the right thing to do.

A situation happened in a race that I feel was unfair to the skaters that competed. Tonight I need to take the time to research my options as a coach for those skaters. That means that I won't have the time necessary to write the stories that I had planned. I also took over 1000 photos today that I would like to "download and then upload".

These photos that you see here (on top - Richard Hawkins, Executive Director of USA Roller Sports and Josh Wood) the photo on the left (Nicole Lloyd with her black eye! Click on the middle of the photo to enlarge) and the photo on the right (Colin Thomas sporting a couple of bandages and Harry Vogel with a sling) are only a taste of what I took today.

Due to my commitment of fairness for the skaters (always remember this is MY opinion only), I am going to pass on writing a story tonight to take care of business. I will try and at least post the pictures. I hope you enjoy them and I appreciate your understanding. Linda Wood